Pool Fence Regulations December 2019 Update
From 1st December 2019 new fencing laws to improve spa and swimming pool safety in Victoria will take effect. Landowners containing spas or swimming pools must register their pool or spa with the local council. This article will cover these pool fence regulations.
What are the new regulations?
New fencing regulations require pool and spa safety barriers to be inspected and a certificate of pool barrier compliance to be lodged with the relevant council.
The new fence laws apply to swimming pools and spas holding more than 30cm of water. The new pool barrier compliance applies to permanent pools, above ground pools, indoor pools, hot tubs, bathing or wading pools and some relocatable pools.
After registering your swimming pool or spa you will need to arrange an inspection of the pool barrier to ensure it complies with the new and updated pool fence regulations.
The inspection can only be carried out by:
A registered building surveyor
A registered building inspector
A municipal building surveyor
Am I effected by the new pool compliance laws?
If your pool barrier meets the new fence laws in Victoria you will be issued with a certificate of barrier compliance this then needs to be logged with your council, the fee for lodging a compliant barrier is: $20.44 and the price for lodging a non-compliant barrier is $385.06. You will be required to lodge a new certificate every 4 years.
Depending on when your pool or spa was constructed you have different compliance dates with the earliest date being 1st June 2021 for pools and spas constructed before 30th June 1994.
Barriers not meeting the new Victorian regulations will be issued with a non-compliance certificate and a notice of points to be addressed. You will have a maximum 60-day period to make the barrier compliant and the date for re-inspection.
Fees of up to $1,652 apply for failure to comply with both lodging the compliance certificate and failure to comply with the barrier improvement notice by the specified date.
To read more click here.